THSADA Spotlight: THSADA Vice President

Debbie Decker - Katy ISD-Region 5

Region 5 – Debbie Decker – Katy ISD

Executive Director of Athletics
15 years as an Athletic Administrator
THSADA Service:  Current Chair of the Awards Committee (served 3 years), served on various Host Committees over the last 14 years

Candidate Goals for the THSADA:
To build on the current initiative to provide professional development to all members of THSADA
Continue to strengthen the relationship with the UIL and work closely with them concerning the C&CR re-write, guidelines, committees and training for coaches/administrators.
Explore opportunities of having our association build a stronger relationship with the Texas Association of School Administrators

Candidate Growth Plan for THSADA:
The key to growing THSADA membership is to continue to provide value for THSADA members
Membership growth relies on the association ability to effectively communicate the value of membership to current and potential members.

THSADA Spotlight: Bob DeJonge

DeJonge_Headshot01Wow, I can’t believe another school year has already begun!  As I begin my 34th year in education I can tell you that each new year brings the same level of excitement that I experienced way back in 1981.  My teaching and coaching career started in Texarkana as a middle school coach.  In 1983 I took a job at Liberty Eylau High School coaching football and track and teaching various science classes.  In 1991 our family moved to Keller where we have been ever since.  I worked for several years as a football and track coach and in 2000 moved into my current role as the Director of Athletics.  During my time in Keller we have grown from a one high school town to four 5A high schools and six middle schools serving over 7,000 student athletes.

I think all of us in this profession are lifetime learners.  Over the course of my career I’ve evolved from focusing on the X’s and O’s of sports to the relationships that coaches and AD’s need to have with our stakeholders.  I truly believe that the very best AD’s and the most successful coaches are also the best communicators.  We have to build trust and have a rapport with our peers, our communities and all of the athletes we represent.  That being said the most important thing we can do as an athletic director is to hire people that are successful at communicating with all three groups.  Hiring is an imperfect science but when we do it right our kids are the beneficiaries and that is what it’s all about!

I’ve been a member of our organization for 13 years now and I am just amazed at the growth we have experienced over the last few years.  Our progress has everything to do with establishing a vision and a direction for the association.  The establishment of the Executive Directors office, the focus on providing professional development opportunities for athletic administrators in all classifications and the marketing element we have added all have contributed to the ever increasing health of THSADA.

I am thrilled to be part of our organization and excited about the challenges this new year will bring.

Best of luck to all of you!

Bob DeJonge